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Hey! So Glad You're Here.

I have had so many patients wondering how doctors feel about then using CBD oil. A lot of times, they are afraid to ask or even let me know that they are using CBD. When I mention some of the benefits that other patients experience, I see a huge wave of relief across their face because they are happy to see that you actually believe in the benefits of the plant. 


Being on the other side of the curtain and feeling hopeless with the journey of my son, helped me to be more compassionate for people who wanted to use cannabis as a part of their treatment. You shouldn't have to feel ashamed or shunned by your medical provider when you bring up the usage of cannabis. 


I developed the Pure Therapy product line after several people asked if they could have some products that were from a physician. They were scared to order online or get it in stores because there has been little guidance for the medical community as to how to use it, what type to use, and what to expect. I have personally experienced the desperation to help my child and vowed to myself that I would learn as much as possible about cannabinoids so that I can be an educational resource to all things hemp and cannabis (even though the two are the same really).​


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