CBD (Cannabidiol) is a natural compound found in Industrial Hemp. CBD is legal and non-psychoactive.
It has the ability to offer therapeutic effects and benefits without the psychoactive component that gives the disconcerting feelings of lethargy or dysphoria. Cannabis plants are separated into two different types of crops, known as hemp and marijuana. These two plants differ in their cannabinoid ratios, but come from the same plant species Cannabis Sativa.
Although they are both cannabis plants, hemp and marijuana differ notably in their genetic makeup and are cultivated and harvested in different ways.CBD is found in varying levels in both plant varieties. The plant commonly referred to as marijuana contains higher amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive compound responsible for getting you “high”. Hemp, on the other hand, contains only trace quantities of THC and much higher quantities of CBD. The compound holds a vast array of potential therapeutic and medicinal benefits without toxicity.
“Pure Therapy products are derived from industrial hemp and are in full compliance with the 2018 Farm Act Bill.”
Dating back to the ancient civilizations, it was some of the first people on earth who discovered and identified the differences between hemp and began using cannabidiol for various purposes. Archaeologists believe the plant species “Cannabis Sativa,” dates back 10,000 years ago and was likely one of the first crops planted by early man. These people also identified that hemp seeds have high levels of protein, vitamins, and essential fatty amino acids. During this period, hemp seeds were used so frequently that they became essential to human civilization. Hemp has long been grown for a variety of purposes: its seeds can be used to produce food and cosmetics, and its stalks are found in products ranging from construction materials to clothing to biofuels. As one of the many useful compounds in the hemp plant, CBD has been used to treat ailments for millennia. However, the individual compounds in cannabis remained unidentified until Dr.Raphael Mechoulam revealed the structure of THC and CBD in the early 1960s. In the 1980’s, President Ronald Reagan poured tens of millions of dollars into a study to prove that cannabis damages the human brain. But rather than showing how cannabis harms the brain, the Reagan administration ended up subsidizing a series of studies that culminated in the discovery of the endocannabinoid system, expanding our understanding of how cannabinoids interact with the human body.The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a collection of cell receptors and the corresponding molecules (agonists) in the human body. This system helps to regulate sleep, appetite, mood, motor control, immune function, pleasure, pain,reproduction and fertility, memory and temperature regulation. When the ECS is in balance, one experiences homeostasis.
Industry Regulation
Fast forward to now, State legislation also has removed hemp from the state’s controlled substances list and exempted industrial hemp from the statutory definition of marijuana if it is grown within specific regulations. 2014 US Farm Bill (“the Farm Bill”) contains Section 7606, called the “Legitimacy of Industrial Hemp Research.” In this section, Congress legalized Hemp by carving out an exception to the Control Substances Act of1970‘s definition of “cannabis” for what it terms “Industrial Hemp.” Industrial Hemp is defined as “the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of such plant, whether growing or not, with a [THC] concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis. According to the Farm Bill, a state institution of higher education or state Department of Agriculture may grow or cultivate Industrial Hemp if it is grown or cultivated “for purposes of research conducted under an agricultural pilot program or academic research”; and if the growing or cultivating of Industrial Hemp is “allowed under the laws of the State in which such institution of higher education or State department of agriculture is located and such research occurs”. State legislation also has removed hemp from the state’s controlled substances list and exempted industrial hemp from the statutory definition of marijuana if it is grown within specific regulations. The 2014 US Farm Bill (“the Farm Bill”) contains Section 7606, called the “Legitimacy of Industrial Hemp Research.” In this section, Congress legalized Hemp by carving out an exception to the Control Substances Act of 1970‘s definition of “cannabis” for what it terms “Industrial Hemp.” Industrial Hemp is defined as “the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of such plant, whether growing or not, with a [THC] concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.
In December 2018, Legislators voted to revise the Farm bill and went several steps further to legalized the production of hemp as an agricultural commodity while removing it from the list of controlled substances. The 2018 bill also listed hemp as a covered commodity under crop insurance and directed the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation board to streamline the process for developing hemp policies. The Industrial Hemp contained in the products which will be sold in Pure Therapy CBD stores will come from states that allow Hemp to be grown in compliance with the 2014 Farm Bill Act.Since Section 763 of the 2016 Omnibus Appropriation Act and the Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations Act prohibits federal money from being used to prohibit the transportation, processing, sale or use of what is now defined as “Industrial Hemp,” a Law Enforcement Agency must establish that none of the federal money which it receives from the Appropriations Bill or the Department of Justice specifically, is used to prevent the free commercial flow of “Industrial Hemp”. CBD is available to Georgia residents without restriction. It is actually carried in pharmacies and vitamin stores throughout the state. CBD products can also be found in retail chains, including Pure Therapy.
Please visit our website Pure Therapy MD for more information about our products at https://www.puretherapymd.com/shop-products.